U11 (Atom) Development Policy


(Revised June 2021)

The TMHA U11 Development Policy was developed in accordance with the BC Hockey U11 Pathways
Program and North West District (NWD) Policies.

TMHA has implemented a program for U11 age players that will challenge and stimulate players that
have a higher caliber of skills and desire to eventually play a more competitive level of hockey. This
program will not begin until all U11 House players have been placed on a House team and the regular
season has begun.

U11 Development schedule will not interfere with practices, regular season scheduled games or
tournaments. The players home MHA must approve their player for any activity with the U11
Development team.

The U11 Development team (although not a Representative team) will adhere to Representative Team
policies set in place by TMHA, with variations noted below.


All U11 Development teams must be approved by the NWD prior to the season starting. Minor Hockey
Associations need to submit a cover letter on MHA letterhead signed by the President with an attached
application or proposal for the team, or signed letter that includes the application or proposal.

The application or proposal should provide the following:

  • Follow the U11 Pathways programming as outlined by BC Hockey and Hockey Canada.
  • Meet NWD U11 Development Policy.
  • Identify the three tournaments the team will be attending.
  • The type of team being considered, try-out schedule, and how the team will be
    managed/function. (see Tournament team under sec 7.13 BC Hockey policies or Hockey Canada
    Registry team).

The U11 Development team will submit their schedule to the NWD by 1 October of the season. This
would include tournaments only. All Development teams will adhere to the three (3) tournaments per
season policy. Exceptional circumstances may allow the team to play an extra tournament in the spring,
with approval of the NWD and BC Hockey


There is to be a minimum of four practices and/or skill sessions prior to formal player evaluation/
selection/tryouts. Player evaluation/selection/tryouts must be a minimum of three formal sessions.
Recommendation is one skills session, one small-area games session and one game. During the
evaluation and team selection process, this ice time will be considered skills development ice and will be
open to any, and all players in the U11 Division.

A minimum of 17 players (to a maximum of 19) will be chosen to form the U11 Development team. The
final number of players selected for the team will be at the discretion of the U11 Development team
Head Coach. The U11 Development team will fall under the responsibility of the 2nd Vice President.

The team will be chosen as follows:

  • The first 10 U11 Development players, which includes 1 top ranked goalie, will be given to the
    U11 Development Coach based on the “House” team evaluation system used to rank all players
    in the U11 Division during the preseason ice.
  • The U11 Development Coach will then hold a minimum of 3 skills development practices during
    the regularly scheduled U11 Development practice ice times for any U11 child to participate in.
    During these practices, players will be evaluated on basic skills, team skills, drills and
    scrimmages, as well as attitude, coachability and willingness to take instruction and direction.
  • During these practices the Coach and coaching staff will evaluate and rank the players using the
    HCA evaluation system (ranking skill on a scale between 1 (being the lowest) and 5 (being the
  • The Coach and coaching staff will then choose a minimum of 7 more players to complete the
    U11 Development team based on these evaluations as well as using input received from the
    Atom House Coaches.
  • The U11 Development team may be comprised of any amount of 1st and/or 2nd year players.



Full‐time goaltenders are permitted, but goaltenders will rotate for equal amount of playing time. The
one(s) not playing in net are to play as players for that game. Goaltenders will alternate games or split
games as close to 50/50 as possible. Each goaltender plays the final game in an equal number of
tournaments. The rotation schedule should be done in consultation with the goaltender and parents.
(share games or alternate playing full games).


TMHA will supply one “early” morning practice time per week for the U11 Development Program. In
addition to providing one early morning ice time for the Atom Development team development, TMHA
will pay one out-of-town tournament entrance fee for this team.

Throughout the season, the team may purchase additional ice time for practice, but must inform the 2nd
Vice President of their intent to do so prior to booking. Any additional ice for games or practices, travel
costs, etc. are solely the responsibility of the team.


U11 Development must observe TMHA policies with respect to sponsorship, fundraising and finance
practices. It is the expectation of all teams and specifically all team staff, that every effort shall be made
to act in a fiscally responsible manner. Unnecessary expenses should be avoided.

Team Budget

Coaches that are assigned to a team must submit to the 2nd Vice President a season budget prior to
November 1st. This will include tournaments, travel, meals, accommodations, clothing and/or apparel.
The team budget will be drafted during the pre-season based on the three tournaments that U11
Development plans to attend, and any other reasonable expenditures. The drafted budget shall be
distributed to the parent group within the first week of the team being finalized. Parents are to be
provided seven (7) days minimum, to review the budget and discuss it with their peers prior to
approving it. The principle of 75% in favor of the motion will apply when parents vote. Parents will be
provided one vote per player.
Please see TMHA Policies regarding Team Bank Accounts and Team Funds.


The U11 Development team is not permitted to fundraise prior to December 31st of the current season
(with the exception of the Christmas break tournament). Special consideration may be given to seasonal
fundraising ideas, but the team must justify in writing the need for additional funds. All fundraisers must
be approved by the TMHA Executive Board prior to any activities taking place. Failure to do so could lead
to the forfeit of any funds raised for that particular event.

U11 Development may only fundraise to a maximum of 75% of their approved annual budget.