Tournament Rules & Guidelines

Out-Of-Town Tournaments

The Division Head will send the House teams to as many out-of town tournaments as possible
and will schedule each team so that all teams travel equally. TMHA will pay for one out-of-town
tournament entry fee per team in each House division and supply one in-town tournament per
House division, if ice is available. Any extra tournament fees or travel costs will be the
responsibility of the players travelling. TMHA will not provide any travel assistance to any
House team.

TMHA will pay for a maximum of three out-of-town tournament entry fees for each Rep team
and two out-of-town tournament entry fees for a second Rep team in a division. Rep teams will
fundraise and manage their own expenses. TMHA will not provide any travel assistance for
Rep teams.

Tournament entrance fees or reimbursements that are allotted through the travel assistance
policy, will only be provided when a form is submitted through the Division Head for House
teams or the 2nd Vice for Rep teams. This form is available on the TMHA website.

In-House Tournaments

TMHA will host annual tournaments for all divisions (if there is enough interest). In September,
the Ice Coordinator will schedule these tournaments with the City of Terrace as special events.
If any specialty team would like to request to hold a tournament in Terrace, they must make a
formal request to the 1st Vice or 2nd Vice. The City of Terrace distributes user ice in October
and January, so requests must be received in ample time before the Ice Coordinator submits
our ice requests to the City of Terrace.

Tournament Sanctions

The TMHA Tournament Director or designated Director will ensure that tournament sanction
applications are made to BCAHA six weeks prior to the tournament date. In accordance with
BCAHA policies, tournament sanctions applied for less than thirty days prior to the tournament
date will be refused and the tournament will not be allowed to proceed. In addition, TMHA
would be liable for a penalty assessment from BCAHA. The tournament sanction must be
posted in a conspicuous location in the arena during the tournament.

Tournament Fees

Tournament entrance fees for visiting teams are set annually by the Board. These fees are
used to offset the cost of ice rental and referees.
TMHA will pay for the cost of ice and referees for In-House tournaments. TMHA will also pay for
the cost of one lunch and medal or trophy for participating players. As costs for lunches and
medals could vary widely, they must be approved by TMHA prior to purchase. Divisions and/or
teams will not receive any additional monies from TMHA to run their tournament.

Tournament Requirements

A minimum of three visiting teams is required for an In-House tournament. These teams must
be confirmed, with entrance fees paid, no later than two weeks prior to the tournament start date
unless otherwise approved by the Board. If a division or team is unable to secure the required
number of visiting teams and payments, they must immediately contact the 1st Vice so that the
tournament may be cancelled and the ice reallocated or returned to the City of Terrace.
All TMHA teams in the division will be included the division’s in-house tournament.
Invitations to visiting teams will be made as equitably as possible.

If the required number of teams has not committed within two weeks of the tournament, an All Star team from a lower division may be permitted to participate, with approval from the
President, 1st Vice, Division Head and tournament Chairperson.

Tournament Organization

Each Division Head and/or team Manager will appoint a Tournament Chairperson and
Organization Committee a minimum of six weeks prior to the tournament. The 1st Vice will
provide procedures for the organization of the tournament upon request and will act as an
advisor, but will not become directly involved in tournament organization.

Tournament Game Officials

The Division Head will provide the Referee Scheduler with a tournament schedule. The
Referee Scheduler will assign on-ice officials in conjunction with the Referee-In-Chief or senior
Official. Based on the tournament schedule, the Referee Scheduler will provide a list of
Referees and Linesmen to the BCHA District Referees Committee Member for approval at least
two weeks prior to the tournament. The Referee Scheduler will also provide the Division Head
with a list of assigned Referees and Linesmen. Any last minute game schedule changes must
be communicated to the Referee Scheduler.

Tournament Schedules

The Ice Coordinator will schedule the available ice times and provide them to the 1st Vice or
Division Head. The Division Head will assist the Organization Committee with game and flood
scheduling. The Ice Coordinator must be notified of any ice time not required so that other
divisions may make use of this time. A tournament schedule must be provided to the City of
Terrace for review and coordination of requested floods.

Tournament Fundraising

TMHA tournaments generate funds to offset season costs therefore any funds raised during a
tournament that are not used to pay for regular tournament expenses (i.e. program printing
costs), must be submitted to TMHA. Any extraordinary tournament fundraising activities
proposed by the Tournament Committee must be approved by the Executive to avoid conflict
with other prescheduled TMHA fundraising activities.
A tournament reconciliation/financial statement is to be completed by the Tournament
Chair or Tournament Treasurer and is required to be submitted along with the
fundraising money and receipts for expenses to the TMHA Treasurer no later than
seven days after the tournament end date.

Rules Committee

The Tournament Rules Committee will consist of the Tournament Chair, the TMHA Referee-in Chief or delegate and an experienced impartial member of the Association. A Coach or other
team official participating in the tournament should not be a member of the Rules Committee.

The Rules Committee will prepare tournament rules for inclusion in the tournament program and
to be posted in the arena. These will be standardized by the Skeena Valley League annually
but can be modified with the agreement of Executive. The Rules Committee is responsible for
hearing complaints, administering discipline in accordance with the tournament rules and
resolving protests. The only protests that the Rules Committee can address are those dealing
with tournament organization and tournament rules or decisions or conduct of an off-ice Official.
In accordance with CHA rules, a Referee’s call cannot be subject to protest.

The Rules Committee will ensure that all players participating in the Tournament are eligible.
Tournaments are sanctioned as a Recreational Tournament, a CHA Carded Tournament or as a
Jamboree. CHA carded players may not participate in a tournament on a House (non-carded)
team. House players may not participate on a Rep team. Over-age players may play on a
House team if approved by the Tournament Chair and if their play does not incur unacceptable
risk management. Over-age players many not play on a Rep team in a tournament. The ages
of all players participating on a team in a tournament must be disclosed. All players must be
registered with the Association sending the participating team.

Three Goal Rule / Five Goal Spread

To encourage sportsmanship and team play in our lower house divisions (Timbit, Novice and
Atom), Terrace Minor Hockey will adopt a Three Goal Rule. If a player scores more than 3
goals in any regular season or tournament game, the goal will not be reflected on the
scoreboard. Such goals will be marked on the game sheet but will not count towards the overall
score of the game.

For these divisions, TMHA will also use a Five Goal Spread Rule. At no time during any
game shall the scoreboard reflect any more than a 5-goal spread. All goals will be
recorded on the game sheet but no more than a 5-goal spread shall be reflected in the
overall score of the game. If during a game, there is more than a 5 goal spread
showing on the game sheet, the team with additional goals that would create more than
a 5 goal spread, will have those goals added to the score board, one at a time, each time the
opposing team scores a goal.